Source code for irispy.utils.wobble

import re
from typing import Union, Optional
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.time import TimeDelta
from astropy.visualization import AsinhStretch, ImageNormalize
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from sunpy.time import parse_time
from sunpy.visualization.colormaps.color_tables import iris_sji_color_table

from irispy.utils import image_clipping

__all__ = ["wobble_movie"]

[docs] def wobble_movie( files: Union[list, str, Path], *, outdir: Union[str, Path] = "./", trim: bool = False, timestamp: bool = True, wobble_cadence: int = 180, ffmpeg_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Creates a wobble movie from a list of files. ..note: This requires FFMPEG to be installed and discoverable. If FFMPEG is not found, you can pass it as an argument called ``ffmpeg_path``. Parameters ---------- files : Union[list, str, Path] Files to create a wobble movie from. If a string or Path is passed, it will encapsulated in a list. outdir : Union[str,Path], optional Location to save the movie(s). Defaults to the current working directory. trim : `bool`, optional Movie is trimmed to include only area that has data in all frames, by default False timestamp : `bool`, optional If `True`, will add a timestamp to the wobble movie. Optional, defaults to `True`. wobble_cadence : `int`, optional Sets the cadence of the wobble movie in seconds. Optional, defaults to 180 seconds. ffmpeg_path : Union[str,Path], optional Path to FFMPEG executable, by default `None`. In theory you will not need to do this but matplotlib might not be able to find the ffmpeg exe. **kwargs : `dict`, optional Keyword arguments to passed to `FuncAnimation`. Returns ------- `list` A list of the movies created. Notes ----- This is designed to be used on IRIS Level 2 SJI data. 2832 is considered the best wavelength to use for wobble movies. Timestamps take the main header cadence and add that to the "DATEOBS". They do not use the information in the AUX array. """ if ffmpeg_path: import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams["animation.ffmpeg_path"] = ffmpeg_path if isinstance(files, (str, Path)): files = [files] filenames = [] for a_file in files: data, header = fits.getdata(a_file, header=True) wcs = WCS(header) numframes = header["NAXIS3"] date = header["DATE_OBS"].split(".")[0] # Calculate index to downsample in time to accentuate the wobble cadence = header["CDELT3"] cadence_sample = np.floor(wobble_cadence / cadence) if np.floor(wobble_cadence / cadence) > 1 else 1 if timestamp: timestamps = [ parse_time(header["STARTOBS"]) + TimeDelta(cadence, format="sec") * i for i in range(numframes) ] else: timestamps = [parse_time(header["STARTOBS"])] # Trim down to only that part of the movie that contains data in all frames if trim: # TODO: improve this, it trims a bit but not fully dmin = np.min(data, axis=0) dmask = dmin > -200 dmx = np.sum(dmask, axis=1) dmy = np.sum(dmask, axis=0) (subx,) = np.where(dmx > (np.max(dmx) * 0.8)) (suby,) = np.where(dmy > (np.max(dmy) * 0.8)) data = data[:, suby[0] : suby[-1], subx[0] : subx[-1]] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=wcs.dropaxis(-1)) colormap = iris_sji_color_table(str(int(header["TWAVE1"]))) vmin, vmax = image_clipping(data) image = ax.imshow( data[0], origin="lower", cmap=colormap, norm=ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=AsinhStretch()), ) ax.set_xlabel("Solar X") ax.set_ylabel("Solar Y") if timestamp: title = ax.text( 0.5, 0.95, str(timestamps[0]), color="w", transform=ax.transAxes, ha="center", path_effects=[PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=3, foreground="black")], ) else: title = ax.text(0.5, 0.95, "") def update(i): image.set_array(data[i]) # NOQA: B023 if timestamp: title.set_text(str(timestamps[i])) # NOQA: B023 return image, title # NOQA: B023 anim = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, func=update, frames=range(0, numframes, int(cadence_sample)), blit=True, repeat=False, **kwargs, ) clean_filename = re.sub(r"[^\w\-_\. ]", "_", f"{header['TDESC1']}_{date}_wobble.mp4") filename = Path(outdir) / Path(clean_filename) writervideo = animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=12), writer=writervideo) filenames.append(filename) return filenames