Mg II Dopplergrams#

In this example we are going to produce a Dopplergram for the Mg II k line from a IRIS 400-step raster. The Dopplergram is obtained by subtracting the intensities at symmetrical velocity shifts from the line core (e.g. ±50 km/s).

This very large dense raster took more than three hours to complete the 400 scans (30 s exposures), which means that the spacecraft’s orbital velocity changes during the observations. This means that any precise wavelength calibration will need to correct for those shifts.

import tarfile

import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pooch
from astropy.coordinates import SpectralCoord
from import fits
from scipy.constants import c
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from import read_files
from irispy.utils import image_clipping

We start with getting the data. This is done by downloading the data from the IRIS archive.

In this case, we will use pooch as to keep this example self contained but using your browser will also work.

Using the url: we are after iris_l2_20140708_114109_3824262996_raster.tar.gz which is ~730 MB in size.

downloaded_tar_iris_file = pooch.retrieve(

Now to open the file using irispy-lmsal. Note that when memmap=True, the data values are read from the FITS file directly without the scaling to Float32, the data values are no longer in DN, but in scaled integer units that start at -2$^{16}$/2.

raster = read_files(downloaded_tar_iris_file, memmap=True, uncertainty=False)

We are after the Mg II k window, which we can select using a key.

mg_ii = raster["Mg II k 2796"][0]
(mg_wave,) = mg_ii.axis_world_coords("wl")

# We will plot the spatially averaged spectrum
plt.plot("nm"),, 1)))
plt.ylabel("DN (Memory Mapped Value)")
plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)")
mg ii dopplergrams
/home/docs/checkouts/ AstropyUserWarning: target cannot be converted to ICRS, so will not be set on SpectralCoord

To better understand the orbital velocity problem let us look at how the line intensity varies for a strong Mn I line at around 280.2 nm, in between the Mg II k and h lines. For this dataset, the line core of this line falls around index 350. To plot a spectrogram in the correct orientation we will transpose the data.

lower_corner = [SpectralCoord(280.2, unit=u.nm), None]
upper_corner = [SpectralCoord(280.2, unit=u.nm), None]
mg_crop = mg_ii.crop(lower_corner, upper_corner)

vmin, vmax = image_clipping([..., 350])
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10))
plt.imshow([..., 350].T,
plt.xlabel("Solar X (arcsec)")
plt.ylabel("Solar Y (arcsec)")
mg ii dopplergrams
/home/docs/checkouts/ AstropyUserWarning: No observer defined on WCS, SpectralCoord will be converted without any velocity frame change

You can see a regular bright-dark pattern along the Y axis, an indication that its intensities are not taken at the same position in the line because of wavelength shifts. The shifts are caused by the orbital velocity changes, and we can find these in the auxiliary metadata which are to be found in the extension past the “last” window in the FITS file.

# does not support opening tar files, so we need to extract.
tar_iris_file =, "r:gz")
raster_filename = "iris_l2_20140708_114109_3824262996_raster_t000_r00000.fits"

# In this case, it is the 9th HDU, which we access directly
aux_data = fits.getdata(raster_filename, 9)
aux_header = fits.getheader(raster_filename, 9)
v_obs = aux_data[:, aux_header["OBS_VRIX"]]
# Convert to km/s
v_obs /= 1000.0

plt.ylabel("Orbital velocity (km/s)")
plt.xlabel("Scan number")
mg ii dopplergrams

To look at intensities at any given scan we only need to subtract this velocity shift from the wavelength scale, but to look at the whole image at a given wavelength we must interpolate the original data to take this shift into account. Here is a way to do it (note that array dimensions apply to this specific example).

c_kms = c / 1000.0
wave_shift = -v_obs * mg_wave[350] / (c_kms)
# Linear interpolation in wavelength, for each scan
for i in range([0]):
    method = interp1d(mg_wave - wave_shift[i],[:, i, :], bounds_error=False)[:, i, :] = method(mg_wave)
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast[:, i, :] = method(mg_wave)

Now we can plot the shifted data to see that the large scale shifts have disappeared

vmin, vmax = image_clipping([..., 350])
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10))
plt.imshow([..., 350].T,
plt.xlabel("Solar X (arcsec)")
plt.ylabel("Solar Y (arcsec)")
mg ii dopplergrams

Some residual shift remains, but we will not correct for it here. A more elaborate correction can be obtained by the IDL routine iris_prep_wavecorr_l2, but this has not yet been ported to Python see the IDL version of this tutorial for more details.

We can use the calibrated data for example to calculate Dopplergrams. A Dopplergram is here defined as the difference between the intensities at two wavelength positions at the same (and opposite) distance from the line core. For example, at +/- 50 km/s from the Mg II k3 core. To do this, let us first calculate a velocity scale for the k line and find the indices of the -50 and +50 km/s velocity positions (here using the convention of negative velocities for up flows):

And now we can plot this as before (intensity units are again arbitrary because of the unscaled DNs):

vmin, vmax = image_clipping(doppl)
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10))
plt.xlabel("Solar X (arcsec)")
plt.ylabel("Solar Y (arcsec)")
mg ii dopplergrams

Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 11.027 seconds)

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