
irispy.utils.get_iris_response(time_obs=None, response_version=6)[source]

Returns IRIS response structure.

The pre-launch response is version 2. The latest version is 6 which is used by default.

  • time_obs (an astropy.time.Time object, as a kwarg, valid for version > 2 ,optional) – Observation times of the datapoints. Must be in the format of, e.g., time_obs=parse_time(‘2013-09-03’, format=’utime’), which yields 1094169600.0 seconds in value. The argument time_obs is ignored for versions 1 and 2.

  • response_version (int,optional) – Version number of effective area file to be used, by default is 6.


This routine does calculate time dependent effective areas using version 3 and above of the response functions as is done in the SSW version of this code. This code has been updated to calculate time-dependent effective areas.


Various parameters regarding IRIS response or effective area structure. Includes the following keys: date_obs : astropy.time.Time lambda : astropy.units.Quantity area_sg : astropy.units.Quantity name_sg : str dn2phot_sg : tuple of length 2 area_sji : astropy.units.Quantity name_sji : str dn2phot_sji : tuple of length 4 comment : str version : int version_date : astropy.time.Time

Return type:
